Welcome at the website of Studfarm Van Langenhove

Studfarm Van Langenhove is one of the biggest and most successful studfarms of Belgian ‘Brabant’ Draft Horses in Belgium and the Netherlands. In the last 35 years Studfarm Van Langenhove delivered over 10 times the National Champion stallion/mare. Every season high-quality stallions are standing at stud and breeders can count at a flawless service..

Op maandag 2 december verloren we onze trouwe vriend en grote hulp Roger...

Merci voor alles Roger

Elke ochtend was je hier. In het dekseizoen zelfs al heel vroeg. Zonder dat veel woorden nodig waren, werd gedaan wat moest. Door weer en wind, elke ochtend stipt, kregen alle paarden hun voer van u. Ook maandag nog. We waren op pad naar het volgende job'ke en toen.. een donderslag bij heldere hemel. Woorden schieten tekort.

Merci om er alle dagen te staan Roger.
Meerdere keren zelfs als dat moest.
Voor de paarden, voor de fokkers, voor mij.
Merci voor alles.

~ Eddy

Stallions at stud 2024


van Turkeyen

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Kobus van de Klaverhoeve


van de Klaverhoeve

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Scott van de Voshoek


van de Voshoek

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Studfarm Belgian 'Brabant' Draft Horses

Eddy Van Langenhove took over the studfarm from his father Arthur. He became the pioneer in AI breeding in Belgian draft horses. Years of experience offer an outstanding service to breeders.

Quality always comes first when choosing the stallions which will stand at stud. A good conformation with powerful movements and a good bloodline are the main qualities that characterize the stallions of Studfarm Van Langenhove.

Every year a number of foals are purchased with an eye to the future. In this way Studfarm Van Langenhove follows the development of the horses from an early age and a continuous strict selection is made before the stallions are used for breeding.

Hengstenfolder 2024

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Online foal show

Due to the corona crisis, we had to do things differently and organized an online show for the first time in December 2020 where we introduced our new crop of draft horse foals and presented the sires, the stallions to you. And a year later followed the 2nd show with some exclusive behind the scenes footage.
» Click here to view all shows

Foals 2023

Click here to have a look at the youngsters we currently have for sale.